Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Amazing World of Gumball Review: The Deal

"You won't last five minutes in there."
Well, that was something. I don't know if I'm sufficiently able to objectively break down the episode, so I apologize for that in advance.

Before we get into all of that, though, the first half of the episode was great. It's nothing more than setting up the events of the second half - which I'll pedantically nitpick in a moment - but it goes all out in making the central joke, that Nicole doesn't give Richard enough credit for the work he does, a lot of fun. I mean, starting off with Nicole launching an aggressive rap about getting the small raise of "three cents on the dollar" and employee of the month is always promising. It's what the show does best - take something terribly mundane and turn it into something hilarious.

It's upon seeing her on top of the world that Richard gets set off, feeling all of his hard work is being neglected. He then goes on to try to prove that point in the typical Richard fashion which, by the way, doesn't make it any less great. (Among the highlights are Richard using the kids to mow his lawn by eating the grass and drying them off post-bath to heavy metal/Irish music.) Nicole shakes it off nonetheless, so Richard goes on strike.

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Amazing World of Gumball Review: The Best

"She's just trying to help you be a better person." "Exactly, she's raising the bar! Which is totally unfair for someone like me who liked the bar exactly where it was."
"The Best" was an interesting episode, to say the least. It hit all the high notes, with some smart jokes and visual gags, but for some reason, it never really triumphed as a whole. That's not a bad thing, per se, and to call "The Best" bad is a huge overstatement, but it never became anything truly memorable, played out as you'd imagine, and was pleasing if not revelatory.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Amazing World of Gumball Review: The Worst

"What's happening?" "It's the glass ceiling Mom was talking about!" "What's that?" "The invisible barrier that stops anyone who's not an old, rich dude from getting the best jobs!"
There are three possible reactions I can imagine to come out of this line. You could laugh. You could "mmhmm." Or you could cringe internally. I took the third option.

No no no, I'm not sexist, don't you play that crap on me. But I think that quote pretty much sums up how you're going to perceive this episode - you're either gonna really dig it, see it as defiant to the expectations of society or something, or hate it.

I... hated it, I guess. Hate's a strong word. Basically, the episode's getting a C-. For "confused." "The Worst" is an episode where the show is trying to make a statement, but it just can't.